Natural Flea and Tick Repellent

Natural Flea Treatment for Dogs and Cats

Natural Flea and Tick Repellent

Fleas and Ticks not only make you and your pets itch with inflamed, red bite marks, but can also cause serious disease and illness in you and your dogs and cats. You can give them a safe and effective Natural Flea and Tick Repellent that helps prevent fleas and ticks from wanting to even be near your pets skin and fur. It works for Dogs, Cats and other pets that are prone to insect, tick and flea infestations and prevents flea and tick larvae from breeding on them and in your home.


Fleas and Ticks can cause Lyme Disease, Cat Scratch Fever, Tularemia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Murine Typhus, and Mycoplasma haemofelis. They also make them a more likely target to be infested with tapeworms or roundworms. Keeping these parasites away from your pet and living areas can stop itching, rashes, Lyme disease and other symptoms of flea and tick infestation. Using a safe and effective natural flea and tick repellent for dogs and cats will help prevent a lot of painful itching and even worse conditions like Lyme disease in them and you!


ticks and fleas


Fleas vs Ticks

How can you tell if your cat or dog is being infested with fleas vs ticks? When fleas bite you or your pets, they inject a toxic saliva into the skin. Common symptoms of flea bites will include itchiness, scabs, rashes or irritated skin where they have bit. Tick bites are as noticeable at first, they are painless, and most symptoms of tick bites will not appear until after the tick has dropped off.


Tick bite symptoms may include a rash around the bite area, swelling, pain, fever, headache or even sore muscles. Both fleas and ticks can pick up pathogens for disease from an infected host and transfer it to you or your pets.  

  • Bite mark
  • Swelling
  • Itchiness
  • Scabs
  • Rashes
  • Irritated Skin
  • Pain
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Sore Muscles

If you notice any of the above symptoms of tick or flea bites in dogs, cats or even humans, then you should give them the best natural holistic flea and tick prevention and treatment (shown at the bottom of this page.)


Make sure to use the natural flea and tick repellent to shown at the bottom of this page to prevent the spread of flea and tick borne illness and excess itching and scratching. It is a natural flea and tick repellent that helps the skin dilute and expel the toxin so the itchiness stops and the skin heals.


prevent fleas and ticks


Holistic Flea and Tick Prevention

Choose the best Holistic Flea and Tick Prevention because it is safe for your pets as well as humans that may regularly touch the pet or have contact with the bite areas. It naturally repels fleas and ticks because it is made with specific ingredients that fleas and ticks don't like, so they avoid them.


When it comes to fleas and ticks, prevention is better than cure. It is safe to spray the natural flea and tick spray on your pets, skin or areas where they sleep or regularly sit or lay down. You can even spray it on your bedding to make it not a good place for them to want to be near. Just spray the natural flea and tick repellent before they go outside, especially if you suspect that it is flea or tick season. 


natural flea and tick repellent


Which Dog Flea and Tick Control is Best?

Which dog flea and tick control is best? The simple homeopathic medicine for fleas and ticks in dogs and cats works well to prevent fleas from attaching to your dogs or cats fur and skin. Using this dog and cat ticks and flea repellent formula pictured above, helps keep you and your pets safe from flea and tick infestation and from them laying larvae in your pets skin and fur. Prevention is better than cure so make sure you use it before they come in contact with disease causing fleas and ticks.


If you dog or cat has a flea or tick infestation now then use the kit below because it has a natural anti-itch medicine, along with a formula that gets rid of infections and parasites that make them itch and  feel sick It is safe for dogs and cats of all ages, and for those that pet them and are close to them.


flea and tick itching relief


Natural Flea Treatment for Dogs and Cats

Use the Natural Flea Treatment for Dogs and Cats pictured above as a holistic flea and tick prevention as well as stopping any skin irritation and infection. It is a natural tick and flee repellent so fleas and ticks leave your dog or cat alone. The simple homeopathic medicine for fleas and ticks in dogs and cats works well to prevent fleas from attaching to your dogs or cats fur and skin.


It also helps the skin heal so they stop itching and scratching. If they are itching now then use the Natural Flea Treatment for Dogs and Cats pictured above as it has an anti-itch natural medicine, with a flea and tick repellent and a skin healing and anti-parasite natural pet medicine, safe for dogs and cats. 

Holistic Pet Food

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